
Why Do I Love You?

Created by Eleanor Scully Gilvarry

Heartfelt children's illustration book that helps parents verbalize unconditional love. It's what children need in order to flourish.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Third Of The Way There!
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 04:09:31 PM

Dearest Backers,

We are now a third of the way through my campaign and I have gotten over 25% funding. I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel to each and every one of you. I am truly moved by your support so far and I am determined to do everything I can to make my funding goal so that I can get this beautiful book into your hands.

You might have noticed I've updated the cover photo for my campaign. I figured it might make my book look more tangible, hopefully attracting more interest. This is only a sample and I can tell you, from the digital cover samples I have gotten from Pilar the illustrator, the real cover is going to be wow! If you look closely at the storyboard image in the campaign you will see the cover sketch.

Here's a project I like

The Kickstarter journey is not easy and that's why I'd like to share with you a live project that I think you might like.

p BAG The first tiny bag with nano suction. It's easy to stick it on every smooth, flat surfaces. It sticks without being sticky. Store up to 6 cards secure with p BAG and RFID fraud protection.

Mega thanks

Finally thanks to each and every one of you for sharing my campaign on social media. Every share makes a huge difference.

Overflowing with appreciation,

Eleanor xxx

First Milestone Achieved! 20% Funded
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 02:51:46 PM

Thank you so much to everyone who has backed me! I really didn’t know what to expect when I launched my campaign and I am unbelievably grateful to each one of you for your love and support. As early backers, you have made a real difference to this project and every pledge is a step closer to my dream of producing WHY DO I LOVE YOU?

Someone asked me "how do I get the actual book" and I wanted to clarify this for everyone. I have also added the question to the FAQ at the bottom of the campaign page.

When the campaign is over, I will send out a survey to each of my backers asking for all of the necessary information including your postal address.

Here's a project I like and have backed personally:

Kidesign have created the DENSTERS - these are ingenious toys with secret talents! They are multifunctional toy monsters that allow children to build the most amazing blanket forts and dens at home! It's a lovely toy that will develop children's creativity and spark their imagination!

Help me keep the momentum going and please let all your friends know about the project and get them to support and pledge. Because every person you bring on board is a step closer to, what is now, our mutual goal - producing this incredible book!

Overflowing with appreciation...

Eleanor xxx