
Why Do I Love You?

Created by Eleanor Scully Gilvarry

Heartfelt children's illustration book that helps parents verbalize unconditional love. It's what children need in order to flourish.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 7 years ago – Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 11:12:04 PM

Good Morning Everyone,

I sent out the surveys on Saturday via Backerkit.  If you haven't completed your survey, I hear Backerkit are sending loads of reminder emails.  Sorry!   I don't want to be bothering you but unfortunately I need this information. If you haven't already completed the information can I ask you to do so?

To complete the survey simply:

  • Click on "get started"
  • If you don't want an add click on "skip to the next step"
  • Enter your shipping information
  • Press "confirm".

For those of you who donated without selecting a reward, no shipping address is required and all you need to do is press "confirm".

I hope that makes sense but please if you have any questions send me an email and I'll help you complete your survey.

Overflowing with appreciation,

Eleanor xxx

Illustration Time
over 7 years ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 12:04:16 AM

Hello Lovely Backers,

Pilar is back with a bang!  I'm very excited to show you the latest illustrations.  I hope you love them as much as I do.  I've included the storyboard so that you can see where they fit in relation to the whole story.


My perfect little precious one, don't ever change for anyone. Be who you are and you will shine. I'll always proudly call you mine.
My perfect little precious one, don't ever change for anyone. Be who you are and you will shine. I'll always proudly call you mine.


Do you know I love you so? You’re oh so wonderful you know! I'm so blessed you're in my life. I thank the stars above each night.
Do you know I love you so? You’re oh so wonderful you know! I'm so blessed you're in my life. I thank the stars above each night.

There was a lot of behind the scenes work taking place in December and January but here is where the fun begins. I hope to get about an illustration a week and I can't wait to share them with you.

I know I mentioned I'd be sending out a survey to get postal addresses but I've decided to hold out just a little bit longer, just in case anyone changes their address.

As a reminder,  If you know of anyone who might like to verbalise unconditional love to their children, there is a link on the Kickstarter page to pre-order the book.   I've also included the link here as well:

Now that the illustrations are in full swing, I'll be in touch again very soon.

Until then, lots of love,

Eleanor xxx

Christmas Update
over 7 years ago – Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 11:05:11 PM

Dearest Backers,

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the run up to Christmas. I thought you might like an update on the progress of your beautiful book.


I will send out the survey in the New Year so that I can get a few details to get my book into your hands.


If you know anyone else who might like a hardback copy of Why Do I Love You, please direct them to the campaign page and simply click on the blue “pre order book now” button. I've also included the link here as well:

Although the book costs the same as it did during the campaign, it won’t include the added extras of the poster, coloring book and e-book.

Campaign Page

If you viewed my campaign from your phone, you would have been brought directly to the “rewards” section and as a result you may not have seen all of the campaign. If you think you might have missed the “campaign” link above my video, be sure to check it out! It really is so worth taking a look at. The “campaign” section gives you the whole background to Why Do I Love You, plus some behind the scene shots of the illustrations.

Production Timeline

Here's an outline of the production timeline for the book:

January - March: Complete the illustrations. I’ve been in touch with Pilar and she is really looking forward to starting back to work on Why Do I Love You? She will resume working on the illustrations starting the beginning of January. On average it will take her 1 week per illustration. This is pretty impressive as the industrial average is 2 weeks. Barring any delays, it will take 3 months to complete the illustration process.

April: I will be working closely with Michele and the design team at 1106 Design throughout the illustration process so it won’t take any more than 2 weeks to have the file ready to send to the printers in April.

June: The printers have advised me that if they receive the file in April, I can expect to have the books ready to distribute the end of June.

Wishing everyone of you a wonderful Christmas and I'll be in touch early in the New Year.

Overflowing with appreciation,

Eleanor xxx

Fully Funded!!!!!!
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Dec 02, 2016 at 04:32:00 PM

Talk about being down to the wire but we did it!!! Why Do I Love You? is no longer a dream.

When I launched this campaign a month ago I was definitely naive about what would be involved in getting this book funded and perhaps that's a good thing as I might not have taken that leap of faith.

January is when the real fun begins. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching Pilar bring Why Do I Love You? to life and I know you will too. I'll be sending you on backer exclusive emails of the completed illustrations so you can see her incredible talent in progress. You may be wondering why I am waiting until January. The truth is Pilar is currently working on another project, but rest assured she is on track to start back working on the book in the New Year.

In two weeks time I will be back to you with a short survey looking for personal details depending on what reward tier you selected. Please make sure you watch out for the email as Kickstarter only permits one backer survey and I'll need your details to make sure you get your fab copy of Why Do I Love You?

Bursting with excitement, appreciation, love and gratitude,

Eleanor xxx

We are 50% funded!!!!!
almost 8 years ago – Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 02:00:57 PM

They say time is an illusion so the fact there are 6 days remaining is irrelevant :-).

I must say this campaign has definitely been a very humbling experience for me. While I might have had the idea you my wonderful backers are bringing it to life. It sounds dramatic but it's true!

Without doubt the most support I have gotten, has been from people who have heard about my book from someone they know. If every one of you gorgeous backers were able to find one person interested in my book we would reach our funding goal. Now that's inspiring!

In the meantime rest assured no stone is being left unturned and I have my eyes focused on achieving our goal.

Overflowing with appreciation,

Eleanor x